

Photo of Stephen Voida Stephen Voida ( is an Associate Professor and Founding Faculty of the Department of Information Science at CU Boulder. He directs the Too Much Information (TMI) research group, where he and his students study personal information management, personal and group informatics systems, health informatics technologies, and ubiquitous computing. His work has been nominated for best paper awards at CHI 2022 (nominee), CHI 2013 (winner), CHI 2012 (nominee), and CSCW 2008 (nominee) and has been supported by Google Research, the National Science Foundation, and a CCC/CRA Computing Innovation postdoctoral fellowship. He earned his doctorate and master’s degrees in computer science and human–computer interaction, respectively, from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his bachelor’s degree in computer science from Arizona State University. For more information, visit his website.

PhD Students

Z Fisher ( is a first-year Ph.D. student studying Information Science at CU Boulder. Her research passion is the intersection of neurodivergence and technology with a focus on supporting AuDHDers reach their goals and build community. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. Before starting graduate school, she worked as a software engineer at Meta and Indie Bloom.
Kit Lewers ( is a third-year Information Science and IQ Biology student whose research focuses on how information overload impacts institutions rooted in big data. She investigates strategies to mitigate information and praxis silos across remote sensing, ecology, and biodiversity informatics. Kit leverages her experience as a software engineer and concepts from Microservices Architecture in software engineering to design scalable, interoperable systems of collaboration. Her work applies these frameworks to biodiversity occurrence and specimen records, TDWG standards, and airborne spectroscopy data from NEON and NASA sensors. Kit is an intern at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, serves on the executive committee of TDWG, and is an ambassador for the NEON program. She is passionate about advancing the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) for hyperspectral and LiDAR data from drones and airplanes, aiming to bridge gaps between sensor-derived biodiversity observations and global information ecosystems.
Photo of Tian Xu Tian Xu ( is a fourth-year PhD student in Information Science. Tian’s research lies at the intersection of human-computer interaction, health informatics, and design, centering on understanding technology-mediated health management strategies in people’s day-to-day lives, designing and measuring novel health support technologies or systems, and examining privacy concerns about health data sharing. Tian holds an M.S. in Information Management from Syracuse University.

Masters Students

Abbie Seale ( is a Master’s student in Information Science. She holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Rhodes College. She is leading the development and evaluation of a computer-based anxiety exposure app for adolescents and has interests in mental health informatics and cognitive science.

Undergraduate Students

Photo of Jaden Castle Jaden Castle ( is a Bachelor’s student in Information Science who is pursuing a concurrent minor in Creative Technology and Design (ATLAS). He is leading the design and development of the project website for the Face Your Fears anxiety curriculum and mobile app.

TMI Research Affiliates

Dr. Janghee Cho ( is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Industrial Design at the National University of Singapore. His primary research falls in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI), with a focus on personal wellness and sustainability concerns. He is interested in understanding how people make sense of data and AI-driven technologies and designing technologies to support critical reflection.
Photo of James Eagan
Dr. James Eagan is a Visiting Professor in the TMI Lab for the 2024–25 academic year. He is an Associate Professor (Maître de conférences) and chair of the DIVA (HCI & Visualization) lab at Télécom Paris, a founding school of the Institut Polytechique de Paris. He is chair of the Interaction, graphics, and design Masters program in Computer Science and former chair of the Big Data professional master’s program. His research focuses on malleable systems and information sensemaking, and he publishes regularly in the ACM CHI (Human-Computer Interaction), UIST (User Interface Systems and Technologies), and IEEE VIS (Visualization) communities. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a B.A. in Mathematics/Computer Science from Lawrence University of Wisconsin.
Photo of Michael Hoefer Dr. Michael Hoefer ( is an Assistant Professor of Computer & Information Sciences at the University of St. Thomas, and is a recent CU Boulder PhD graduate in computer and cognitive science. 🎉 His dissertation research explored the creation of systems and interfaces that facilitate personal development at scale research goal is to create systems and interfaces that facilitate personal development at scale, in both individual and group contexts. He does this through designing, building, deploying, and evaluating reflective personal informatics systems that support holistic reflection on the self, leading to self-knowledge and self-directed behavior change.
Photo of Wendy Norris Dr. Wendy Norris ( is an Assistant Professor of Social Computing at Nazareth College. She is also founding faculty/program co-director of the Institute for Technology, AI and Society and founding faculty/undergraduate advisor of the Ethical Data Science program. A TMI alumna and advisee of Dr. Voida, her research explores how time and temporality are represented in humanitarian socio-technical systems.
Photo of Fuji Robledo Dr. Fuji Robledo, LCSW ( is interested in how data impacts nonprofit organizations that provide direct services to the community (such as a mental health clinic). Fuji earned her doctorate in Information Science at CU Boulder, co-advised by Dr. Amy Voida. Prior to CU, she studied psychology (BS) and clinical social work (MS) at the University of Texas at Austin. She has extensive experience working as a licensed clinical therapist in non-profit settings providing trauma-based therapy to children and families who have experienced abuse.
Photo of Tara Walker Dr. Tara Walker is an Assistant Professor in Journalism, Strategic Communication, and Media Studies at St. Bonaventure University. Her research focuses on the role of mass communication messages in shaping and reinforcing dominant paradigms regarding mental health and the ethical implications of smartphone technology for tracking mental health, and gender/race/class representations in advertising and entertainment media.
Photo of Jason Zietz Dr. Jason Zietz ( is an Assistant Teaching Professor in Information Science; a graduate of CU’s “Triple” PhD program in computer science, cognitive science, and neuroscience; and a TMI alum and advisee of Dr. Voida. Jason’s research explores the intersection of interaction design, mindfulness, and executive cognitive function (decision making) in the context of sustainability.

TMI Alumni

Photo of James Anderson
James Anderson (BS graduate, Information Science/Psychology) conducted user research and iterative design contributing to the development of a mobile anxiety therapy application. [Fall 2022]
Photo of Venkat Arigela Venkat Arigela (MS student, Computer Science) enhanced the back-end architecture of the Bipolar Tech data collection platform for his MS degree independent project. [Spring 2020–Fall 2020]
Photo of Lizzie Bartholomew Lizzie Bartholomew (BS student, Creative Technology and Design) joined the TMI Lab in Fall 2020 as a Discovery Learning Apprenticeship (DLA) research assistant on the Bipolar Tech project [Fall 2020–Spring 2021]
Photo of Stephen Barton Stephen Barton (BS graduate, Strategic Communication • Media Design • Technology, Arts and Media) participated in graduate student Wendy Norris’ study of crisis informatics, human-computer interaction, social computing, and digital humanitarian networks. [Fall 2017–Spring 2018]
Photo of Sam Beck Sam Beck (BA student, Political Science with minors in Data Science and Philosophy) worked with Janghee Cho to study well-being and productivity during the COVID-19 working-from-home era and assisted with the development of a mental health informatics application. [Spring 2021]
Photo of Divya Bhat Divya Bhat (BS graduate, Computer Science with a minor in ATLAS’ Creative Technology and Design program) contributed interface design and research study support to the Bipolar Tech and Time Machines projects. [Fall 2021–Spring 2022]
Photo of Jackson Billelo Jackson Bilello (BS student, Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science) collaborated with Michael Hoefer to launch the Dream Informatics project [Spring 2021]
Photo of Lanea Blackburn Lanea Blackburn (BS graduate, Information Science) completed a senior-level independent study conducting UX research in collaboration with several ongoing lab projects, including Wendy Norris’ study of crisis informatics and a clinical validation study of Bipolar Tech interface designs. [Spring 2020]
Photo of Angel Dong Angel Dong (MS graduate, Computer Science) helped to develop interfaces for the Personal Informatics for Human Need project as part of her MS project in Computer Science. [Fall 2022–Spring 2023]
Photo of Cassandra Goodby Cassandra Goodby (MS graduate, Creative Technology and Design (ATLAS Institute); conducted research in technology solutions for mental health and self-care as part of her MS thesis project, MoodIQ. [Spring 2020]
Photo of Max Gong Max Gong (BS student, Information Science/Art Practices) assisted with front-end development on an AI-powered calendar that helps users keep track of their time throughout the day. [Spring–Summer 2024]
Photo of Marissa Kelley Marissa Kelley (BS graduate, Information Science) worked with graduate student Wendy Norris in her study of crisis informatics, human–computer interaction, social computing, and digital humanitarian networks. [Spring 2018–Fall 2018]
Photo of Haley Kwiat Helena (Haley) Kwiat (BS graduate, Computer Science) worked with the lab on interactive time management prototypes. [Summer 2016]
Photo of Teresa Lim Teresa Lim (BS graduate, Technology, Arts & Media) worked with Lucy Van Kleunen and the bipolar technology research group to imagine novel interfaces for collecting self-reported self-tracking data for the management of serious mental illnesses. With a love for designing, especially in graphics and UX/UI designing, she experiments with cultural and societal ideas on the relationship between different topics ranging from mental health and games to popular culture and digital media. [Summer 2019]
Photo of Zach Lyons Zachary Lyons (BS graduate, Information Science) worked with Wendy Norris to develop a social media bot detector and perform large-scale data standardization in support of automated data analysis for Wendy’s crisis informatics research. After graduation, he hopes to pursue a career in the field of sports or healthcare analytics. [Spring 2019]
Photo of Sneha Malisetty Sneha Malisetty (BS graduate, Information Science with minors in Business (Analytics) and ATLAS’ Creative Technologies and Design (CTD) program) who contributed to UX design and front end development for the Bipolar Tech Project. [Fall 2021]
Photo of Namratha Mysore Keshavaprakash
Namratha Mysore Keshavaprakash (MS graduate, Computer Science) contributed data visualization design and implementation efforts from a human-centered software engineering perspective for the Bipolar Tech project. [Fall 2021–Spring 2022]
Photo of Priya Panati Priya Panati (BS graduate, Information Science) completed a senior-level independent study conducting UX research in collaboration with several ongoing lab projects, including Wendy Norris’ study of crisis informatics and a clinical validation study of Bipolar Tech interface designs. She started a full-time software engineering job at Visa in the summer of 2020. [Spring 2020]
Photo of Tiffany Phan
Tiffany Phan (BS+MS graduate, Computer Science) helped to launch the design and full-stack web development of an application delivering support to students facing challenges with anxiety. She started a full-time software engineering position with Splunk in the summer of 2022. [Fall 2021–Spring 2022]
Alex Ray Alex Ray (BS graduate and former MS/PhD student, Computer Science) participated in distributed systems design and implementation projects for the lab from the summer of 2016 through the spring of 2017. For more information, check out his GitHub profile. [Summer 2016–Spring 2017]
Photo of Raegan Rychecky Raegan Rychecky (MS graduate, Computer Science) brought her extensive React.js development skills to bear in creating interactive user interfaces time and financial data entry in support of the Personal Informatics for Human Need project. [Spring 2023]
Estevan Sandoval (BS+MS graduate, Information Science) contributed to the Bipolar Tech project, an application that is meant to help adolescents who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. His research interests include personal health informatics and bias in machine learning systems. [Fall 2022–Spring 2023]
Photo of Shreyas Savanoor Ravindra
Shreyas Savanoor Ravindra (MS graduate, Computer Science) brought four years of industry experience working as a software engineer to the implementation of and data management strategy for our Bipolar Tech application. [Fall 2021–Spring 2022]
Photo of Bryce Schumacher
Bryce Schumacher (BS graduate, Computer Science) is interested primarily in web development and machine learning. He contributed to software development and user research for the Bipolar Tech project. [Spring 2021–Spring 2022]
Ha Tran Ha Tran (BASc graduate, Electrical and Computer Engineering) led the physical prototyping efforts in the TMI Lab as a Discovery Learning Apprenticeship (DLA) research assistant and as a part-time post-baccalaureate research associate. [Summer 2016–Spring 2018]
Picture of Lucy Van Kleunen, with a city skyline in the background. Dr. Lucy Van Kleunen (PhD graduate, Computer Science) is developing her primary research interests in computational biology. With the lab, she studied participatory sensing and the intersection of tech and policy embodied in the “smart city” movement. [Fall 2018–Summer 2020]
Photo of student Anusha Venkateswaran Anusha Venkateswaran (BS student, Electrical and Computer Engineering)
contributed to prompt optimization in the building of an AI-powered lifestyle time-tracking system that uses GPT-4. [Fall 2023]
Photo of Kexin Zhai Kexin Zhai (BS graduate cum laude, Information Science) conducted an evaluation study of various tangible interfaces for helping information workers to manage their time for her Honors Thesis in Information Science. [Fall 2019–Spring 2020]

Local High School (BVSD) Research Trainees

Photo of Quinn Burns
Quinn Burns is a graduate of Peak to Peak Charter School and is currently studying Industrial Design at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Quinn loves to use technology to solve problems in her areas of interest. She joined TMI to get more exposure to projects at the the intersection of cognitive science, technology, and health. [Fall 2022–Fall 2023]